The MB-23P system is a modern, cost-efficient and easy in operation construction, manufactured by ALUPROF S.A., meeting the needs and demands of our customers, architects, investors and companies co-operating with us.
The MB-23P is an aluminium system designed to execute glazed walls protecting open balconies against unfavourable weather conditions, i.e. wind, rain, snow or dirt and noise. The MB-23P system also impedes burglary attempts, which is of particular significance in respect of flats on the ground floor. Glazed balconies become more functional. In a natural way some extra space is gained, which significantly lengthens the lifespan of balconies. The system may be applied to already existing balconies as well as tor those which are being built on.

The MB-23P systems is based on horizontally sliding windows. Aluminium profiles perform the function of sashes, which may be glazed with a single glass panel 4 to 8 mm thick, or with laminated safety glass 6.4 mm thick. They are equipped with rollers, which allow sliding movement in a closed frame made of aluminium profiles with extruded tracks, performing the function of a window/door frame. The MB-23P’s distinctive characteristic is its simple and cost-efficient production process achieved due to eliminating all time-consuming mechanical workings, thus the final price of the product is significantly reduced.
The MB-23P system features really economical sash and frame profiles with rounded shape, which makes them look particularly interesting. The constructional depth of profiles in case of the sash and window frame equals 53 mm (frame), 23 mm (sash). Thus adopted constructional depths of sash and frame profiles cause that they are extremely narrow, which is particularly important as the appearance of façade remains unchanged. The MB-23P system applies hardware of highly renowned companies. Glazing thickness is determined by the height where the balcony is situated, its exposition and sash dimensions. Glass panels are fixed by means of special glazing gaskets. Any construction based on the MB-23P system, being a part of external development, must be equipped with efficient ventilation system and the system deflecting water from the chamber formed between glass panels and between the sash and the frame. Conformance with instructions presented in this catalogue guarantees that the finished product will meet expectations of the user over many years’ operation.
Should there arise any queries or doubts, specialists from ALUPROF S.A. are always ready to provide any assistance and guidance.
Brochure MB-23P